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Biology 3rd Partial

O u r p e r s o n a l   c o m m e n t s   Martha:  If I could describe this partial I would say different, even though the topic we saw, genetics, is not in my comfort zone I feel like I got a chance to really explore the topic and even got comfortable with it.    Without a doubt an experience from this partial was when we went to the lab, the main objective was to discover how certain things below the microscope. In my opinion it is always a surprise to do this practice, I love seeing everyday things into the microscope, since it opens my sight and helps me realize my perspective of life is not the only perspective there can be.    The first thing we saw was a mold , I thought it would be very disappointing, and it was not, at first all we could see was a lot of bubbles that made no sense, then our wise teacher aided us and then we saw a different world, it was not what we expected.  Then we proceeded to see flowers , they were not what I expected, I had this idea they were going to

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